Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Does Music Make You Hear Better has an interesting article about how music actually improves your hearing.

It cites a paper published in this month's Ear and Hearing journal (who knew! - there's a journal for everything nowadays!)

It appears that, according to this paper, music and mainly musicians have enhanced speech-in-noise capabilities due to the skills developed in trying to hear their instruments and dialogue during the cacophony of sounds and stimulation.


Ever talked to a musician when they're just hangin' out? They can't hear shit.

Maybe that's my problem...I should blast music behind me...then they'll totally hear every word I say! Riiight.

Back from a hiatus...

Yeah, well we've been lagging, I know I know.

Too many weekends at the apartment building frolicking around in beer-induced comas and endless barbecues until 3AM...maybe that's why they brought in a new security guard?

But it's good to finally have a summer for once. I haven't had one in a long time.

Since summer is only a few more weeks, get out there and enjoy. I have had a barefoot summer, living like I did when I was 18, with good partying, some work, great new friends, beach, pool and almost always barefoot. You should too!