Thursday, March 12, 2009

Estelle Rocks the House

Charming the stage is becoming an increasingly tough thing to do in modern music. As more and more performers yell "make some noise" it is becoming a lost art. Estelle, however, seems to make charming the snakes in the room an effortless and enjoyable feat.

Estelle, who recently opened for John Legend, proved that her natural charm and flow which she so deftly displayed at the Gibson Amphitheater, is only made more fun when placed on an intimate stage. Estelle played the House of Blues in Anaheim to a fully-packed house (and when I mean packed, I mean to the back wall and to the door, and the upper-level decks too!), sold out and more waiting outside, and she did not fail in delivering a rockin', sing-along show which men and women both delighted in.

Her disarming charm was in full bloom when storytelling how many men did her wrong and what she decided to do about it -the audience gleefully going along for the ride.

This UK starlet, famous for her part in the Kanye West duet "American Boy" is poised and ready for her bigger spotlight, shades of her show reminiscent of a young Mary J. Blige, with more humor and a contemporary style uniquely her own. Look for her to receive more Grammy nominations in the future.

Estelle's performance was buoyed by what can only be described as an absolutely aweful and incoherent performance by hip-hop duo The Knux, whose dated style and over-dressed rhymes were hip and cool if it were 1986. They just came off boring and just trying too hard.

Estelle is on tour now.

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