Thursday, February 19, 2009

When's A Netbook Not A Netbook

Here's an interesting one: when is a netbook not a netbook. Well if you were a nerdy tool like me, you may have used a Sharp Zaurus in the past - we're talkin' like 1993 past, you know before the internets existed, when you had to go and actually buy (or rent) your porn from that creepy back room at the Video Hut, and when you were rockin' Windows 3.1 (or the exotic 3.11). The Sharp Zaurus was a rudamentary PDA which had a lot of RAM and was a pretty good organizer. It was purchased by PSION, which had a line of some pretty awesome small organizers, which really became really robust tiny computers.

Plus they own a trademark to the name 'Netbook," which is suddenly all the rage now.

Well, far be it for Dell to adhere to a trademark, instead of paying a royalty, they'll just invalidate or attempt to invalidate the trademark, as this posting from engadget finely points out. Ah, how nice corporations are - so quick to give you the awesome heads up on your intellectual property rights.

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