Thursday, February 26, 2009

RIAA lays off staff

One of the most useless and idiotic industry companies in human existence, the RIAA, who's stupid, misguided and baseless terroristic attack on people by indiscriminately suing people based on no evidence that they infringed the copyright of any artist, is laying off 25 staffers according to

So, if you're like me, I see it as this:
-25 people lost their jobs because the RIAA wasted artist and label money suing people at no profit margin.
-No attorneys were surely laid off.
-No executives were surely laid off.
-Not one dime was ever paid to any of the artists whom the RIAA was "protecting the rights and income" thereto. If so, there's no evidence that I can find to prove that.
-Attorneys hired by RIAA and staffers therein made a ton of coin at the expense and on the backs of the 25 who were probably told "don't let the door hit you..."
-Will someone please whistleblow some RIAA members on how many mp3s they have on their machine?

When the music industry ends their pompous ways, hopefully so shall the useless RIAA.

F the RIAA.

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